Collection: Peeling Systems

Zymo & Nova Complex

Each solution is an intelligent three-level system of 3 interconnected sequential solutions, each of which is indispensable and essential in the procedure for chemical renewal and skin revitalization.

Each of the three solutions of the Complex is a combination of specially selected active components that maximize the effect of each other.
Each of the three solutions of the Complex is a combination of substances of a new concept, which is based on the interaction: low-concentration caustic elements and a unique set of anti-aging and probiotic ingredients.

ADVANTAGES: Multitasking – Solving multiple problems in one procedure. Non-invasive procedure with high efficiency.Short recovery period. Minimal risk of side effects.The ability to work with sensitive skin

INDICATIONS FOR USE: Tired skin with signs of photoaging: correction of deep dehydration, superficial wrinkles and reduced turgor. Fading skin: stimulating anti-age therapy due to the normalization of keratinization and cell proliferation, active restructuring of the dermis. Superficial hyperpigmentation: normalization of melanogenesis processes after non-deosed UV irradiation, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Skin with complications from acne: normalization of fat balance, uneven micro-relief, increased resistance to infection. Plastic surgery: preparation for plastic surgery in order to shorten the rehabilitation period and enhance the result.